Tax Losses and Capital Gains Tax: New Rules and Opportunities for Businesses

Tax Losses and Capital Gains Tax: New Rules and Opportunities for Businesses


The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has introduced new rules regarding tax losses and capital gains tax (CGT). These changes aim to provide businesses with greater flexibility in managing their tax position. This guide outlines the key considerations and potential pitfalls when applying these new rules.

Key Considerations

  • Carry-back of Tax Losses: Businesses can now carry back tax losses to offset against prior years' taxable income, potentially generating a refund of tax paid in those years.

  • Carry-forward of Tax Losses: Tax losses can be carried forward indefinitely, providing businesses with greater flexibility in managing their tax position.

  • Capital Gains Tax: Businesses can offset tax losses against capital gains, potentially reducing the overall tax liability.

  • Intended Use of Tax Losses: Businesses must have a clear intention to use tax losses to offset future taxable income or capital gains.

  • Record-keeping: Accurate record-keeping is essential to ensure compliance with the new rules.

Potential Pitfalls

  • Carry-back of Tax Losses: Businesses must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for the carry-back of tax losses.

  • Carry-forward of Tax Losses: Businesses must ensure they meet the continuity of ownership and business continuity tests to carry forward tax losses.

  • Capital Gains Tax: Businesses must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for offsetting tax losses against capital gains.

  • Intended Use of Tax Losses: Businesses must have a clear intention to use tax losses, and this intention must be documented.

  • Record-keeping: Inadequate record-keeping can lead to penalties and fines.

Examples and Case Studies

  • Carry-back of Tax Losses: A business with a tax loss in the current year can carry back the loss to offset against prior years' taxable income, potentially generating a refund of tax paid in those years.

  • Carry-forward of Tax Losses: A business with a tax loss in the current year can carry forward the loss to offset against future taxable income, potentially reducing the overall tax liability.

  • Capital Gains Tax: A business with a capital gain in the current year can offset the gain against tax losses carried forward, potentially reducing the overall tax liability.


The new rules regarding tax losses and capital gains tax provide businesses with greater flexibility in managing their tax position. However, businesses must be aware of the key considerations and potential pitfalls when applying these new rules. By understanding the eligibility criteria, maintaining accurate records, and documenting their intention to use tax losses, businesses can maximize available tax savings.